New Zealand landlords have this year been presented with all new challenges and requirements in respect of Health and Safety, Smoke Alarms and Insulation, Insurance changes, Methamphetamine and more… are you sure you’re up to date? Are you aware of the risks involved by not being aware or not complying?
Join us for a free landlord information evening on Thursday 3rd November as Ray White open up our doors all across New Zealand to hold a special event just for you! It’s here you’ll get free information, advice, and resources to help you navigate through all of these recent changes.
Our goal is to provide all investors with the most up-to-date information and support to help you understand these changes, to be a better landlord, and ensure your tenants are being properly managed. Not only will this save you time and money but it can help minimise the many risks associated with not being aware!
Come and see why landlords across New Zealand entrust us with over 9 billion dollars worth of investment assets, and let us help you become a better landlord.
Contact our Property Management team and secure your spot for an evening of free support, resources and general assistance. 09 430 3300