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Complimentary Meth Testing for New Rentals

By Admin Whangarei

With methamphetamine availability at an all time high, and price at an all time low, the issue of Methamphetamine and how it affects properties, landlords and tenants is not going away.

As a Landlord, it is now more important than ever to:

  • Do thorough tenant background checks
  • Complete a methamphetamine test at the beginning and end of every tenancy (this is the only way to place liability on tenants and prove you have provided a safe and sanitary dwelling)
  • Have the right insurance cover (in many cases, there is no cover if the contamination happened through use, rather than manufacture, however around 90% of cases are caused by use)
  • Include a statement in your tenancy agreement allowing you to test the property for meth (at your discretion)
  • Know what to look for during inspections

As professional property managers we have a responsibility to understand the issue of methamphetamine and pass on this knowledge to our landlords and tenants. We keep up-to-date with all the latest industry regulations and standards, and are trained to know what signs to look for during an inspection.

* We’re offering free methamphetamine testing for all new tenancies signed between 17 May and 31 July 2017 on our Gold and Silver service property management packages.  Talk to us about the offer, and to find out more about our experience, services, and knowledge of the property market to make your investment a real success.

Ray White Property Management 09 430 0075

Read more about Methamphetamine and rental properties in our full article
> Methamphetamine: Managing the Risk

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